AB-344: rereferral to committee - A 196
AB-352: rereferral to committee - A 202
AB-417: rereferral to committee - A 221
AB-479: rereferral to committee - A 257
AB-485: rereferral to committee - A 406
AB-521: rereferral to committee - A 294
AB-579: rereferral to committee - A 487
AB-702: rereferral to committee - A 607
AB-739: rereferral to committee - A 487
AB-892: rereferral to committee - A 568
Executive order no.181 re January 2007 special session - A 22
Executive order no.219 re October 2007 special session - A 299
Executive order no.227 re December 2007 special session - A 401
Executive order no.243 re amending executive order no.241 re March 2008 special session - A 691
Executive order no.246 re April 2008 special session - A 747
Governor request extension of deadline to submit 2007-2009 state budget and to convene joint session of the legislature to deliver biennial state budget address - A 43
Governor request to consider AB-72 an emergency bill - A 63
Governor request to consider Jr7 AB-1 an emergency bill - A 37
Governor request to convene joint session of the legislature to deliver the 2007 State of the State Address - A 42
Governor request to convene joint session of the legislature to deliver the 2008 State of the State Address - A 451
Rep. Gunderson: request that the testimony of Todd Ambs from the DNR on AB-297 public hearing be recorded in the Assembly Journal - A 685
SB-20: rereferral to committee - A 159
SB-80: rereferral to committee - A 159
State Information Technology Failures, Speaker's Task Force on: report
 - A 477
State of the Tribes Address - A 537
communication _ senate Communication — Senate
Mr8 AB-1: rereferral to committee - S 728
AB-184: rereferral to committee - S 416
AB-279: rereferral to committee - S 446
AB-334: rereferral to committee - S 489
AB-485: rereferral to committee - S 651
AB-502: rereferral to committee - S 539
AB-720: rereferral to committee - S 674
CR 05-075: rereferral to committee - S 30
CR 08-073: rereferral to committee - S 880
Executive order no.181 re January 2007 special session - S 29
Executive order no.182 re recreation of non-statutory committees - S 44
Executive order no.189 re creation of the Commission on Reducing Racial Disparities in the Wisconsin Justice System - S 149
Executive order no.208 re proclamation declaring a state of emergency relating to drought conditions - S 311
Executive order no.219 re October 2007 special session - S 353
Executive order no.227 re December 2007 special session - S 458
Executive order no.243 re amending executive order no.241 re March 2008 special session - S 709
Executive order no.246 re April 2008 special session - S 769
Governor request extension of deadline to submit 2007-2009 state budget and to convene joint session of the legislature to deliver biennial state budget address - S 54
Governor request to consider SB-39 an emergency bill - S 97
Governor request to convene joint session of the legislature to deliver the 2007 State of the State Address - S 31
Joint Legislative Council: results of mail ballots recommending appointments to study committees - S 842
Professional Standards Council for Teachers: individuals awaiting confirmation - S 841
Professional Standards Council for Teachers: list of nominees
 - S 299, 328, 438, 483, 657, 852, 858
Professional Standards Council for Teachers: removed from confirmation
 - S 299, 342, 400, 440
Jr7 SB-1: rereferral to committee - S 49
SB-14: rereferral to committee - S 67
SB-19: rereferral to committee - S 187, 238
SB-47: rereferral to committee - S 456
SB-66: rereferral to committee - S 456
SB-72: rereferral to committee - S 151
SB-126: rereferral to committee - S 571
SB-131: rereferral to committee - S 161
SB-171: rereferral to committee - S 571
SB-177: rereferral to committee - S 210
SB-178: rereferral to committee - S 571
SB-183: rereferral to committee - S 456
SB-190: rereferral to committee - S 456
SB-206: rereferral to committee - S 456
SB-254: rereferral to committee - S 517
SB-259: rereferral to committee - S 456
SB-275: rereferral to committee - S 539
SB-282: rereferral to committee - S 566
SB-292: rereferral to committee - S 589
SB-346: rereferral to committee - S 453
SB-353: rereferral to committee - S 571
SB-363: rereferral to committee - S 489
SB-366: rereferral to committee - S 491
SB-404: rereferral to committee - S 680
SB-425: rereferral to committee - S 576
SB-426: rereferral to committee - S 551
SB-453: rereferral to committee - S 618
SB-471: rereferral to committee - S 614
SB-510: rereferral to committee - S 604
SB-551: rereferral to committee - S 661
SJR-9: rereferral to committee - S 107
SJR-80: rereferral to committee - S 630
SR-4: rereferral to committee - S 456
Sen. Decker: Committee on Senate Organization report re the recreation of standing committees - S 407
Sen. Erpenbach: Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties report on AB-710 - S 651
Sen. Risser: Joint Survey Committee on Retirement Systems to report on desirability of SB-40 - S 98
Sen. Risser: Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions to report on desirability of SB-40 - S 98
Sen. Risser: Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions to report on desirability of SB-122 - S 154
Sen. Risser: message Ap8 SB-1 to the Assembly - S 812